Business as Usual

Business as usual

The summer of 2021 has been challenging for everyone throughout the world with the onset of Covid-19. However, at Elac we strongly believe in being positive and are now looking forward to what we fervently believe will be a strong future. 

We very much hope that summer 2022 will be back to ‘normal as we know it’ and will offer some opportunity to get back to doing what we do best – providing enjoyable and stimulating programmes for students from around the world. The summer of enforced inactivity gave us the opportunity to reflect and review – not only as individuals and in our personal lives, but as an organisation. This was a very productive experience, and it has allowed us to make some adjustments to enhance the student experience.

There’s a new look to our activity offering with a greater degree of integration between the classroom lessons and the activity programme. There’s also a broader range of specialist programmes available to choose in certain centres. The academic programme has also been revised and extended so that we now have 3 pathways covering learners from 7 – 17 years of age. For those on the Empower Pathway, there is also an exciting opportunity to demonstrate their personal qualities and become ‘Student Leaders’.

Looking back over the summer, there are many things we missed, especially the annual opportunity to renew friendships that reach around the world. Even more reason then for us to say thank you, to all our partners who have been so supportive through this crisis, offering words of comfort and solidarity. It is now time to look ahead to what will be a very special year for Elac Study Vacations. The year 2021 marks the 30th anniversary since our foundation. We will celebrate this in the way we know best, which is to welcome you and your students from all over the world to our courses here in the UK. We look forward to seeing you next year and to join us in our 30 year celebrations.
